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कृपया अजमेर से बाहर के मटेरियल के ऑर्डर उसी दिन डिस्पैच करवाने के लिए ऑर्डर एंड पेमेंट शाम 6.30 बजे से पहले कर देवे

D-link Crimping tools form an essential ingredient for any kit that is required by service personnel. The structured cabling system lays stress on following the practices which will add elegance, discipline, method and reliability to cabling. The tools which are used in installation of a cabling system go a long way in and can sustain extensive use in the field. Modular Crimping Tool can be used to crimp RJ-45 and RJ-11 types of connectors.

  • D-Link
Model Name
  • D-Link Crimper Tool(NTC-001)
Model Number
  • NTC-001
  • Manual
  • Red/Black
Designed For
  • Network Cables & Telephone Cables